Sigma Xi UTSA Chapter

The Sigma Xi UTSA Chapter was officially installed on November 2, 2023
Sigma Xi-UTSA was chartered at UTSA in 2023 reflecting our increasing research stature and promoting research integrity and excellence among students and faculty. The formation of this chapter follows the university’s 2021 designation as a Tier One research institution and reflects UTSA’s growth as a knowledge-based institution.

Sigma Xi was founded in 1886 at Cornell University by students and faculty. From the beginning, the founders emphasized that the new scientific honor society would be broad in its outlook, devoted to science and engineering.
Sigma Xi was designed to reward and honor excellence in scientific research and scholarship as well as to encourage a sense of companionship and cooperation among scientists in all fields. Together with the selection of the Greek letters – Sigma Xi, a motto based on these initials was developed to confirm its purpose: Spoudon xynones, or “Companions in Zealous Research.”
Today, Sigma Xi has nearly 60,000 members in over 500 chapters in the U.S. Sigma Xi chapters are found wherever scientific research is undertaken in universities, colleges, industrial research facilities and government laboratories
Sigma Xi Members
SigmaXi Events
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
4:00 pm
JPL, 4th Floor, Assembly Room
Official Installation Ceremony
Thursday, November 2, 2023
3:00 pm
JPL, 4th Floor, Assembly Room
Information coming soon!
Information coming soon!