Deans Research Council (DRC)

Deans Research Council (DRC)


The Deans Research Council is charged with increasing cross-college transdisciplinary research collaborations on campus and with leading strategic efforts to expand UTSA’s status as a nationally recognized research university, pursuing certain designations such as eligibility in the National Research University Fund (NRUF) and Carnegie R1 status. The DRC reviews new proposals for establishing new Organized Research Units (ORUs) and makes recommendations to approve or disapprove to the Provost. The DRC plays an important advisory role in the oversight of Research Core Facilities, Research Centers and Research Institutes, and the overall research infrastructure of UTSA. Recommendations and decisions regarding ORUs will be based on the expressed purposes of the DRC.


Established in August 2018, the UTSA Transdisciplinary Research Council (DRC) brings together executive leadership from all academic colleges, Academic Affairs, and the Office of Research. Its goal is to create synergies that enhance the research capabilities of UTSA, to engage more faculty and students in the knowledge enterprise. The research units foster collaboration among researchers, government, and industry, aiming to shape public policy and contribute to economic development through research at UTSA.


Name Title
Ambika Mathur Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
David Silva Dean, College of Sciences
Jonathon Halbesleben Dean, Alvarez College of Business
Glenn Martinez Dean, College of Liberal & Fine Arts
Mario Torres Dean, College of Education & Human Development

Contact Staff

Nicole Beebe

Interim Associate VP

Office of Research Partnerships and Strategy
Julie Sylvan

Assistant to the Vice President

The Office of Research