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Research Tools

PI Portal

Research Dashboard, report center, training, and routing form

Faculty Insight

Showcasing institutional research profiles to collaborators, funding, and students

Payroll Confirmation Report

For verifying sponsored projects are accurate, timely, and reflect the actual level of work performed.


Proposal development and submission for

Technology Disclosure & Invention Management

Portal for users to submit Technology Disclosure Form and manage invention information.

Conflict of Interest/Commitment Portal

UTSA Tenured / Tenure Track faculty members and UTSA researchers must file a disclosure of financial interests for each calendar year.

IACUC Training

To ensure institutional compliance with all legal and ethical standards regarding the use of animals in research.

IRB Training

Manage IRB submissions and future protocol management.

Export Control Training

Manage Export Control compliance information

General Safety

SciShield (formerly known as BioRAFT), is a portal for managing training history.(Biological Safety, Radiation & Laser Training)

Academic Analytics

UTSA Tenured / Tenure Track faculty members and UTSA researchers must file a disclosure of financial interests for each calendar year.

Research Dashboard

Research Dashboard, report center, training, and routing form

Routing System 2.0

The Proposal Routing Form ensures that federal and state guidelines are met and that the intellectual and academic objectives of the University are maintained.

IACUC Training

Ensuring institutional compliance with all legal and ethical standards regarding the use of animals in research.

IRB Training

Manage IRB submissions and future protocol management.

Academic Analytics

UTSA Tenured / Tenure Track faculty members and UTSA researchers must file a disclosure of financial interests for each calendar year.

Research Staff Reporting Portal

Portal for reporting Research Staff information.

COI Training

Manage compliance training (COI, IRB, IACUC, LARC, Export Control) for all faculty/researchers.

General Safety

SciShield (formerly known as BioRAFT), is a portal for managing training history.

Conflict of Interest/Commitment Portal

UTSA Tenured / Tenure Track faculty members and UTSA researchers must file a disclosure of financial interests for each calendar year.