Safety Committees

Safety Committees

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)

The UTSA Institutional Biosafety Committee is a registered committee with the National Institutes of Health. This Committee reviews research protocols that involve potentially biohazardous materials and agents, recombinant and synthetic nucleic acids, and the use of tissue isolated from vertebrates. The purpose of these reviews is to ensure that all activities involving these materials, and the facilities used to conduct such work, are in compliance with all applicable external regulations and University policies. The IBC is composed of UTSA research faculty, representatives from the UTSA Office of Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management, and community members outside the University.

Chemical Safety Committee (CSC)

The Chemical Safety Committee (CSC) reviews and approves applications for the safe receipt, use, storage, and disposal of specified hazardous chemicals and toxins of non-biologic origin, and reviews and advises on engineering controls and personal protective equipment relative to chemical and toxic hazards. Requests for chemical waste pickup may be submitted in SciShield. More information is located here.

Radiation & Laser Safety Committee (RLSC)

The Radiation and Laser Safety Committee (RLSC) monitors and reviews the activities concerning the use of radioactive materials and other forms of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; exercises approval authority of all proposals; and oversees compliance with all requirements for maintenance of records for the review, approval, and monitoring of the licensing, purchase, shipment, storage, use, and disposal of radioactive materials and sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The committee also monitors and reviews all work on campus involving the use of lasers.

Physical & Engineering Safety Committee (PESC)

The Physical & Engineering Safety Committee is one of several University-wide committees promoting a safe working environment at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) in all research and teaching activities conducted at UTSA-owned and operated laboratories and in field research.

The committee helps to formulate and recommend campus policy on research and teaching activities related to physical hazards to help ensure compliance with applicable regulations and adoption of best practices for personnel health, safety, and environmental protection. The committee provides input and guidance regarding the development of appropriate standard practices and campus or departmental expectations, including the review of safety training materials regarding physical hazards intended for faculty, staff, and student audiences.