UTSA I-Corps

The University of Texas San Antonio’s Office of Commercialization and Innovation's I-Corps program has joined with nine institutions to form the Southwest Hub. We provide workshops year-round that allow researchers to take their first steps towards understanding the customer perspective and needs related to their innovation.
Could your technology become the next big company?
Are you ready to take your research from idea to real-world application? Mark your calendar for our half-day workshop: What Can I-Corps Do for You? Perfect for faculty and grad students who are ready to take their research to the next level, this workshop will guide you through the basics of the I-Corps program.
Learn how I-Corps can teach you entrepreneurial skills to translate your research to commercialization, how you can get funding to discover customers for your technology, and how I-Corps can help you find the value proposition that will get your technology to sell. Plus, you’ll learn about possibilities to gain eligibility for commercialization funds and lineage for the national NSF I-Corps program.
The NSF-funded I-Corps regional program is now called IdeaLaunch, and it is focused on examining the technological innovation for product-market fit. The objective of this course is to provide researchers and their teams with an introduction to Lean Launchpad methodologies and quickly advance the commercialization opportunity. Qualified university-based teams that engage in the entirety of the workshop are eligible for reimbursement of expenses related to participation, and the possibility of even further funds and resources to help with further product development.
If you’re thinking about the $50,000 National NSF I-Corps customer discovery program, these I-Corps IdeaLaunch programs can serve to qualify a team for the National program and the $50,000 NSF award.
The program uses experiential education to help university faculty and students gain valuable insight into entrepreneurship, starting a business and industry requirements/challenges. The program objective is to enable the transformation of invention to impact. The curriculum integrates scientific inquiry and industrial discovery in a culture supported by rigor, relevance, and evidence. Participants will learn and practice fundamental principles and processes that are known to support the successful transition of innovations from the laboratory to the marketplace.
By learning how to assess commercialization opportunities, teams will gain a better understanding of their market, customers, competitors and industry.
- Develop entrepreneurial skills
- Improve odds for commercial success
- Validate your business model
- Establish product-market fit
- Achieve eligibility to apply for $50,000 NSF I-Corps team grant
Teams will be introduced to the I-Corps approach, and learn about business model development and the customer development process. Teams will also spend time outside the building, talking to customers, partners and competitors, and testing hypotheses. At the conclusion the customer development process and receive real-time feedback from the I-Corps teaching team.
Students, faculty, and staff interested in translating their innovation and research into commercial ventures are encouraged to apply.
Interested teams must meet the following criteria:
- At least two founding members per team
- Technical proficiency of research or innovation
- Right to practice intellectual property
For more information, contact Dr. Christine Burke by email at Christine.Burke@utsa.edu.
Information about the NSF I-Corps and the National Cohort programs: https://new.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/i-corps