Submitting your Research Contract

Electronic Submission through TCM-Rowdy Exchange

Submitting your Research Contract

Financial Agreements

If you need a contract or agreement that involves a financial exchange, please contact your College Research Administrators before proceeding.

If this financial contract is for a previously submitted project proposal that has been funded by the sponsor, the college research concierge team will submit the contract request directly to our office. No need to submit a separate contract request.

If the project proposal has not been routed, then you must coordinate with the college research concierge team to route the project for institutional approvals before the college research concierge team can submit the contract request to our office.

Please visit the College Research Administrator page Information for additional information regarding the proposal submission process.

Non-Financial Agreements

For research-related agreements with no financial consideration, please submit your contract request electronically through the Total Contracts Management System (TCM) within Rowdy Exchange.

Electronic Submission through TCM-Rowdy Exchange

TCM is an easy-to-use menu-driven web-based system with numerous benefits:

  • Monitor your Requests
  • Track Your Contracts
  • Access your Documents
  • No Missing Paper
  • In System Emails
  • Electronic Notifications & Communication
  • Faster Collaboration & Turnaround (Everyone “On the Same Page” Quickly)

How to Submit Your Research Contract Request

  1. Log On to TCM - Rowdy Exchange Using your Network ID and Password
  2. Once in TCM, you can navigate to the TCM module for Contracts, the “Medal/Ribbon” icon.
  3. To create a Contract Request, you must click on the Medal/Ribbon icon on the left tab, then click on Request Contract under the Request tab.
    • Please remember to select the appropriate Contract Request Template. If you are requesting a contract for a sponsored project or a research-related agreement, you must select the “Research & Sponsored Programs” template.
    • See detailed instructions under the TCM User Guide below.

TCM User Guide for Research Contracts

User Guide (PDF): Instructions guide to submit your research-related contract through Total Contracts Management (TCM) – Rowdy Exchange.

Access: If you have any issues with your access or authorizations, please contact the Contracts & Industry Agreements office at Our team will help you resolve the issue.