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Proposal Preparation

The information provided below helps Principal Investigators (PIs) at UTSA navigate the complex management of proposals. All colleges, centers, and institutes have internal department research administration teams. They are the primary points of contact.

Find your Research Administrator on the College Research Administrators website.

Proposal Packaging  

Proposal Packaging

At UTSA, PIs interested in submitting a proposal for a sponsored project or engaging in a potential partnership that may result in a contract negotiation must complete a Notice of Intent Form and notify their respective College Research Administration Team.

All proposals should contain the following documents:

  • Statement of Work
  • Sponsor Budget Form
  • UTSA Budget Template
  • Budget Justification
  • All other proposal package documents per the solicitation (e.g. Biosketches, Current, and Pending Support documents, letters of support)
  • UTSA Cost Share Form, if applicable
  • Conflict of Interest Training and Disclosure Verification for all Key Personnel listed in the proposal
  • Subrecipient Documents, if applicable
    • UTSA Letter of Intent Form
    • Subrecipient Profile Questionnaire
    • Letter of Commitment from Subrecipient signed by their Authorized Organizational Representative
    • Budget
    • Budget Justification
    • Statement of Work
    • Subrecipient Determination Form

When UTSA is submitting a proposal as a sub-recipient, the following documents are required:

  • Statement of Work
  • Sponsor Budget Form
  • UTSA Budget Template
  • Budget Justification
  • Federal Demonstration Partnership Letter of Intent Form
15/5 Day Rule  
Cost Share  
Participant Support Costs  
Subrecipient Determination  
Representations and Certifications  
Proposal Submissions