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The following list provides specific guidelines and may be used to ensure that special regulatory requirements are in place prior to and during the conduct of research. This information is for guidance only and should not be viewed as a comprehensive list of requirements.

Have a laboratory or oversee research work  
  • Ensure that you and your research staff have received the appropriate training.
  • If applicable, review laboratory safety manuals, plans and policies and ensure that all personnel are familiar with the plan.
  • Complete the Conflict of Interest (COI) Training and submit a Disclosure of Financial Interests. Contact the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) or visit the ORI COI website for additional information.
  • Determine whether any of the laboratory personnel or research staff working on your research are also responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research activity and inform them of the COI requirements (visit ORI COI website).
  • Conduct the research and publication activities in accordance with institutional guidelines and policies. For more information visit the UTSA Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) Chapter 10 – Research website.
  • If the research is funded, visit the Office of Sponsored Project Administration (OSPA) Guidelines and Policies website for additional information.
  • Develop a plan for the recording, collection, management and retention of research or sponsored project data. Visit ORI Data Ownership website for additional information.
Conduct research, or other activities, involving animals  
Conduct research, or other activities, involving data collection of humans or obtaining identifiable information  
Conduct research involving the use of infection agents, recombinant DNA, or use of tissue from isolated vertebrates  
Conduct research with chemicals or generate chemical waste  
Conduct research with radioactive materials, radiation producing machines, or high-powered lasers  
Conduct research involving the receiving or shipping of hazardous materials to, or from, off-campus locations  
Export items, services, or technology outside of the U.S, or allow potential access to items by a non-U.S. person  
Receive or send tangible materials (e.g., solid tissue, bodily fluids, cell lines, cultures, nucleic acid molecules, proteins, bacteria, transgenic animals, chemicals, or other materials)  
Plan to invite a Visitng Scholar / Researcher  
Conduct any transaction (financial, exchange of research data) with a person from a foreign country  
Conduct research involving Intellectual Property that is, or may be, patented, or protected by a patent / copyright