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Cell Analysis Core

About Us

The Cell Analysis Core provides researchers access to state-of-the-art instrumentation in flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, and consultative scientific services to support their research goals. Our facility provides comprehensive training in cross-translational cytometry and imaging, including experimental design, sample preparation, instrument operation, and data analysis.

Our Mission

The mission of the Cell Analysis Core is to provide centralized services, training, access, and support to researchers in the usage of cutting-edge technology for the study and manipulation of biological samples using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy equipment.

We are also striving to establish an active training and consultation program to support the use of cytomics and laser scanning microscopy to impact not only research productivity but the competitiveness of students and fellows trained on our campus.


FACS Aria-II Cell Sorter  

Equipped with four lasers, this instrument has the ability to detect 11 colors in a similar configuration to the LSR-II. To support research applications using BSL-II level human samples and samples that carry known pathogens or replication-defective retroviruses, the Core will provide access to sorting and cell analysis under a biosafety cabinet.

LSR-II Flow Cytometer  
FACS Celesta with High Throughput Sampler (HTS)  
ImageStream-MKII – Imaging Flow Cytometer  
Zeiss 710 NLO 2PSystem – Live Cell Imaging  
Bio-Plex 200  

Contact Us

Sandra M. Cardona, Ph.D.
Research Core Director
Assistant Professor of Research
P: (210) 458-4093


Astrid E. Cardona, Ph.D.
Scientific Advisory Board Chair
P: (210) 458-5071



Amanda Martinez

Research Scientist Associate I




Core Information
Location: BSE 3.108-1
P: (210) 458-4093

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
For after hours, contact us