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Generating Research

External Funding

Federal Relations Outreach Strategies and Perspectives for Researchers and Faculty
March 8, 2024
Speaker: Michelle Atchison Ph.D. | Director, Federal Relations & Senior National Security Strategist, Office of Research

Please join us as Michelle Atchison discusses her experiences and tips for outreach strategies in federal relations


Effective Research Communication
March 22, 2024
Speaker: Warren Burggren, Ph.D. | Global Proposal Solutions

A primer on the research communication process, including publishing from selecting journals through submission and revision.


Identifying New Funding Opportunities
September 19, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

Research Portfolio Assessment - Identifying New Funding Opportunities Portfolio Analysis




Pursuing Funding in the Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences
April 9, 2024
Speaker: Lucy Deckard, Academic Research Funding Strategies

Webinar on the types of funding available to support research in the humanities and humanities-related social sciences and how to compete for them. The webinar focuses on how to compete for grants from the NEH, NEA, and private foundations, and grants to travel to collections and libraries.


Proposal “Post-Mortem”: Assessing Declined Proposals with Richard H. Nader, PhD
September 21, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

Seeking and securing external funding is a process, not an event! Part of that process is receiving "declined" notices from funders. This workshop will take you on the journey of understanding what happened, assessing the weaknesses identified in your reviews, and knowing whether to try again. Be prepared by reviewing your reviews when you come to the workshop! This will be interactive and we welcome your participation.

Workshop for New Faculty: Funding Your Research - How to Get Started
October 18, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

Workshop for new faculty covering strategies for developing a research agenda, identifying and analyzing funding opportunities, understanding funding agencies, creating a funding plan, and recruiting mentors and collaborators.

Finding Funding for International Activities
October 23, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

Seeking and securing funding from international funders and U.S. sources for international projects.


Competing for Funding from the National Institutes of Health
October 24, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

For faculty researchers who are new to NIH, covering how NIH is organized, how to find and understand NIH funding opportunities, how to identify the IC, study section, and program that best fits your research, how NIH proposals are structured, the review process, and keys to writing a competitive proposal.

Grantsmanship 101: Keys to writing effective proposals
November 6, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

A webinar covering the key steps for planning a fundable research project and writing a competitive proposal, best practices, and common mistakes to avoid. The webinar will also cover how to interpret and respond to reviews.

How to Compete for Funding from the National Science Foundation
February 13, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - External Funding

Webinar on the National Science Foundation (NSF) covering the agency's mission, funding priorities, how NSF is organized, how proposals are reviewed, the types of projects funded by NSF, and a short overview of how to write an NSF proposal.

Publication & Creative Works

Publication & Creative Works

Videos coming soon!

Research Enablers

Cybersecurity capability/funding opportunity alignment workshop
May 24, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Nicole Beebe, Assistant Vice President, Faculty Research Development, Office of the Vice President for Research

Cybersecurity Capability & Funding Opportunity Alignment Workshop with Dr. Nicole Beebe, Assistant Vice President, Faculty Research Development, Office of the Vice President for Research.

Learn to do Quad Charts
October 12, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research: Research Enablers

A Quad Chart presents a brief visual overview of your proposal across four quadrants of a single slide. DOD uses Quad Charts for a variety of planning and communication purposes. Some DOD components, like DARPA, require a Quad Chart as part of their submissions.

Research Accelerants

Preparing for Grant Renewals and Site Visits
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research: Research Accelerants

An overview of winning strategies over the life cycle of proposal development. An in-depth workshop on successful NIH proposal writing.


Power of Partnerships
November 7, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research: Research Accelerants

Advance your craft through the power of transdisciplinary engagement and strategic partnerships. Learn how your institution can assist you in identifying collaborators and strategic partners. Learn how to establish new partnerships, cultivate and nurture existing partnerships, and gracefully disengage from non-productive partnerships. Learn how transdisciplinary teams can accelerate research to truly innovate.



Leveraging and Maximizing Faculty Insight Data
Monday, November 10, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Generating Research - Research Accelerants

Participants will learn to augment the pre-populated data in their Faculty Insight profiles. There will be a demonstration of how individual faculty members can identify

  1. Internal and external subject matter experts
  2. funding and honorific award opportunities, and
  3. potential collaborators.

In addition, a demonstration of UTSA’s external discovery site will also be provided to reinforce how it is built upon the information curated in Faculty Insight.

Enhancing Research

Methodological Advancements

Data Science and AI for All Disciplines
October 30, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Methodological Advancements

UTSA faculty members Jianwei Niu, Ashwin Malshe, and Rebecca Schroeder as they demonstrate AI lesson plans. As part of a UTSA partnership with Mitre Inc., professors Niu, Malshe and Schroeder have developed AI lessons that span across marketing, geological sciences, psychology, biology, and computer science as part of UTSA’s Generation AI Nexus program. This workshop is designed for faculty from all disciplines to incorporate AI lessons into their courses that will help students develop interests in data science and artificial intelligence.“Generation AI Nexus” or “Gen AI,” aims to assist faculty with introducing AI to all students, regardless of their major, understand AI and how to use it as an effective tool.

Research Management and Planning
February 22, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Administration & Execution

A workshop for junior faculty who are embarking on setting up their own research laboratory.

Texas Research Data Center Consortium
November 29, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Methodological Advancements

Representatives from the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDCs) will discuss the resources available to faculty and postdocs. UTSA is a member of the Texas Research Data Center (RDC) Consortium through which researchers may access the secure computing lab located at Texas A&M University, College Station.

Qualified researchers with approved projects perform statistical analyses using restricted access data sets. Projects are hosted on the national RDC network, which is maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. For a description of FSRDCs, see

The FSRDCs offer access to restricted data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other partnering agencies, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, and National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. For more information about the datasets, go to: For TXRDC funding opportunities, see In addition to the webinar, one-on-one meetings also can be arranged with Drs. Mary Campbell and Karin Johnson."

Texas Research Data Center Consortium
November 30, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Methodological Advancements

Representatives from the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDCs) will discuss the resources available to faculty and postdocs. UTSA is a member of the Texas Research Data Center (RDC) Consortium through which researchers may access the secure computing lab located at Texas A&M University, College Station.

Qualified researchers with approved projects perform statistical analyses using restricted access data sets. Projects are hosted on the national RDC network, which is maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. For a description of FSRDCs, see

The FSRDCs offer access to restricted data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other partnering agencies, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, and National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. For more information about the datasets, go to: For TXRDC funding opportunities, see In addition to the webinar, one-on-one meetings also can be arranged with Drs. Mary Campbell and Karin Johnson."

Administration & Execution

Hands-on Workshop for New Faculty: Planning a Fundable Project
November 14, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Administration & Execution

Description: We discuss how to articulate your project goals, research questions, objectives or aims, outcomes, and impact in a way that will be compelling to your targeted funder. We will step through the process of planning the outline of your project, using that plan to write a one-pager or concept paper, and discussing it with your Program Officer.

External Program/Project Evaluation for Education, health, and Social Services
November 28, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research: Administration & Execution

This workshop provides a fundamental understanding of the purposes, processes, and expectations for health, education, and social services project grant evaluations. Participants will understand how to structure the assessment part of a proposal to include the determination of measurable objectives and the development of tools (e.g., logic models, Gantt charts) to guide proposal development so that needs/problems align with goals and result in excellent, well-designed evaluations. Participants will also learn about various funding agencies' expectations (internal v. external) assessment, and budgeting for evaluation.

How to Develop an Evaluation Plan for Your NSF Proposal
December 6, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Administration & Execution

In this workshop, we focus on how to develop and write up an evaluation plan for your NSF proposal. We cover how to understand NSF’s expectations, when to bring in an external evaluator, how to how to use logic models to develop a project that is structured for rigorous evaluation. (In this workshop, we focus on developing and describing a strong plan in your grant proposal, not on the details of conducting program evaluation of a funded project.

Collaboration and Partnerships
February 8, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Administration & Execution

In this workshop, we focus on how to develop and write up an evaluation plan for your NSF proposal. We cover how to understand NSF’s expectations, when to bring in an external evaluator, how to how to use logic models to develop a project that is structured for rigorous evaluation. (In this workshop, we focus on developing and describing a strong plan in your grant proposal, not on the details of conducting program evaluation of a funded project.

Research Management and Planning
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing research - Administration & Execution

A workshop for junior faculty who are embarking on setting up their research laboratory.

Research Impact

Maximizing Competitiveness of Your International Proposal
Wednesday, December 7, 2023
Pillar/Pathway: Enhancing Research - Research Impact

This workshop provides ideas, touchpoints, and strategies to ensure that your internationally-focused grant applications are maximally competitive. This session also covers risks and challenges to international collaboration. Participants will walk away with tools and case examples, leading to a comprehensive view of the factors that impact the success of international research activities.

Developing Researchers

Visioning & Leadership

Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research
March 21, 2024
Speaker: Warren Burggren, PhD | Global Proposal Solutions

A webinar on the differences between and characteristics of Inter-, Multi- and Transdisciplinarity Research, including how to effectively conduct research across disciplinary lines.

Putting together cluster hire proposals
Monday, March 4, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Developing Researchers - Visioning & Leadership

A group session designed to assist those spearheading cluster hire proposals. We will help them broaden their views to be more transdisciplinary and competitive. We will help them identify funding opportunities and strategize about resource needs.

Building Effective Research Centers
April 18, 2024
Speaker: Richard H. Nader, PhD & Warren Burggren, PhD | Global Proposal Solutions

A workshop that explores the process of establishing effective Research Centers and Clusters, drawing out the maximum benefits, and avoiding the common pitfalls.

Career Advancement

NSF CAREER Panel Discussion - Previous Awardees
March 20, 2024
Speaker: Past NSF CAREER Awardees

Please join us for a live panel discussion! In this session, past NSF CAREER awardees will discuss some of the opportunities and challenges associated with the National Science Foundation CAREER program.

Overview of NSF CAREER Programs and Support at UTSA
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Developing Researchers - Career Advancement

Strategic Research Development will host an information session on the NSF CAREER program on Wednesday, January 31 at 12:00 pm. This information session will be held virtually and a recording will be made available to all who register to attend.

Developing Strong Education and Outreach Plans for NSF CAREER’s Broader Impacts
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Developing Researchers - Career Advancement

We will discuss best practices for identifying and planning strong outreach and education components to meet NSF CAREER's broader impact requirements, including what reviewers are looking for, what makes a plan strong, and common mistakes to avoid. We will also discuss differences in expectations for education and outreach scope, depending on the type of grant (e.g., core, CAREER, Center, etc.), and provide examples.

Understanding the NSF CAREER Program
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Pillar/Pathway: Developing Researchers - Career Advancement

"CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. Activities pursued by early-career faculty should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research.

This workshop is designed to familiarize faculty considering applying for CAREER with what NSF expects of awardees, key features of CAREER, and how to assess your competitive fit with the NSF CAREER award.

Personal Development/Skills

Biosketch/ SciEnCV - Career Proposal Lunch and Learn Series
May 30, 2024
Speakers: Helena Fischer, Senior Grant Development Manager, College of Business & Julia Wolf, Senior Grant Development Manager, College of Health, Community, and Policy


Join us to discuss requirements and tips for crafting a Biosketch/SciEnCV.

This NSF CAREER Lunch & Learn Discussion series session is a 1-hour webinar aimed at assisting faculty members with the final stages of submitting their proposals for the NSF CAREER Grant in FY’24.

Department Letter - Career Proposal Lunch and Learn Series
June 6, 2024
Speakers: Carlos Aguirre, Senior Director, Strategic Proposal Development & Jenna Gonzales, Senior Grant Development Manager, College of Liberal & Fine Arts


Join us to discuss requirements and tips for acquiring Department Letters.

This NSF CAREER Lunch & Learn Discussion series session is a 1-hour webinar aimed at assisting faculty members with the final stages of submitting their proposals for the NSF CAREER Grant in FY’24.

Budgets - Career Proposal Lunch and Learn Series
June 16, 2024
Speaker: Jesse Hernandez, Senior Research Administrator, Sponsored Projects


Join us to discuss requirements and tips on Budgets.

This session of the NSF CAREER Lunch & Learn Discussion series is a 1-hour webinar aimed at assisting faculty members with the final stages of submitting their proposals for the NSF CAREER Grant in FY’24.

Education and Evaluation Plan - Career Proposal Lunch and Learn Series
June 20, 2024
Speakers: Dr. Monique Long-White, Institutional Proposal Manager, Office of Research & Iwan Notowidigdo, Senior Grant Development Manager, College of Education & Human Development


Join us to discuss requirements and tips on Budgets.

This NSF CAREER Lunch & Learn Discussion series session is a 1-hour webinar aimed at assisting faculty members with the final stages of submitting their proposals for the NSF CAREER Grant in FY’24.

Data Management Plan, Facilities, and Supporting Docs - Career Proposal Lunch and Learn Series
June 27, 2024
Speakers: Iwan Notowidigdo, Senior Grant Development Manager, College of Education & Human Development & Lindsey Webb, Grant Development Manager, Office of Research


Join us to discuss requirements and tips on Budgets.

This NSF CAREER Lunch & Learn Discussion series session is a 1-hour webinar aimed at assisting faculty members with the final stages of submitting their proposals for the NSF CAREER Grant in FY’24.