FY '24 Grant Awardees

Grants for Research Advancement and Transformation (GREAT)  

October 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024 | $80,000 awarded: $20,000 per researcher x 4 new projects

The GREAT is offering seed grants to support new areas of research for faculty at UTSA. The primary goal of these awards is to assemble preliminary data that can be used to seek extramural funding and advance UTSA’s institutional research excellence goals (NRUF, AAU, etc.).

College for Health, Community, and Policy

Emily Nicklett, Ph.D., Department of Social Work
Strategies to Increase Inclusion in Fall Prevention for Older Adults who are Blind or Vision Impaired in San Antonio, TX: A Needs Assessment

Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Bin Wang, Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quantum Computing for Power System Simulation

Gongchen Sun, Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Isolation and Enrichment of Live Chondrocytes for Personalized Cartilage Tissue Regeneration by Multi-phase, Multi-field, Machine Learning-assisted(3M) Microfluidics

College of Sciences

Lacy Barton, Ph.D., Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology
Decoding and Controlling Calcium flux in Primordial Germ Cell Migration

Connecting through Research Partnerships (Connect)  
Internal Research Awards (INTRA)  
Transdisciplinary Teams (T2) Program  
Brain Health Consortium (BHC) Collaborative Seed Grant (CSG) Program