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2nd Annual GenAI Summit Agenda

Time Description
9:00 am Check-in
Breakfast and Coffee
9:15 am Welcome and Introduction to GenAI
Dr. Siobhan Fleming, Senior Director of Research Development, UTSA
Introduction of Dr. Rebecca Schroeder, Associate Dean, University College
9:30 am MITRE Partnership and Importance of AI and Data Science Education for All Majors
Dr. Heather Shipley, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, UTSA
9:45 am Background and History of Generation AI
Ron Hodge, National Security Strategist & GenAI Program Manager, MITRE
Dr. Michael Balazs, Futurist, MITRE
10:15 am Break
10:30 am UTSA's School of Data Science: Integrating Student Experiences
Dr. Anthony Rios, Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Cyber Security, UTSA
11:00 am Empowering Tomorrow: Students at the Center of Generative AI for Teaching and Learning
Elliot Schraer, Learning Experience Designer, UTSA
11:30 am GenAI: DIRT Don't Hurt - Tiny Earth Project
Dr. Ian Thacker, Educational Psychology, College of Education and Human Development, UTSA
Dr. Sara Shields-Menard, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
12:00 pm Networking and Lunch
1:00 pm Faculty Showcase: AI Instructional Design Methodology
Dr. Ashwin Malshe, Associate Professor, Marketing, UTSA
Dr. Rebecca Schroeder, Associate Dean, University College
1:45 pm Break
2:00 pm Reliability Engineering Approaches to GenAI Assurance
Richard F. Eng, MITRE
3:15 pm The Program Today and Future: Value, Metrics, Updates, and Testimonials
Dr. Jianwei Niu, Dean of University College, Professor of Computer Science & GenAI Team Lead
3:45 pm Wrap-up