LARC Resources

Animal Health Program  

Non-Approved Sources

In general, animals received from non-approved sources (Vendors, other institutions and sources not listed under LARC Approved Vendors for Animals) must be screened more cautiously to prevent introduction of adventitious pathogens into the facility. Before animals can be approved for shipment to UTSA, health reports from the non-approved originating faculty must be reviewed by the University Veterinarian/Director.

For details, refer to LARC Import/Export Procedures (PDF). Animals will be placed in quarantine upon arrival at UTSA. The PI is responsible for costs associated with quarantine housing and testing. Generally, quarantine and testing is 10 days, but could be longer depending on the circumstances. If results are clean, then animals may be released. If results are positive for any agents of concern, the animals may not be released until the offending agent has been eradicated. LARC veterinary staff will consult with the research team prior to implementation of any treatment plan. The investigator will be responsible for any costs associated with treatment. See LARC Services and Per Diem Rates for more information. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the LARC for further details.

A Guide to Clinical & Research Support Services (PDF)
LARC Animal Import Export Procedures (PDF)
Animal Health Monitoring  

Resources for Staff & Students

References & Links