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Facilities Access

Requesting Facilities Access

In order to request access to one of the animal facilities, the following steps must be taken.

  1. The individual must complete the Facility Access Request Form (PDF). Please ensure that all applicable fields are completed. Forms may be faxed to (210) 458-6087 or emailed to Even forms sent electronically will require the PI’s signature.
    NOTE: Incomplete forms will not be processed.
  2. Prior to granting access, it will be verified that the individual has completed all of the required training and is listed on a currently approved protocol.
  3. Once access is granted, the individual will be contacted via email and their assigned PIN code to access the restricted areas will be provided.


Requesting Visitor Access

Visitors are identified as UTSA personnel not currently listed on an approved IACUC protocol (i.e. student observers) or non-UTSA personnel, which may include research professionals, visiting faculty or faculty candidates, vendors, tour groups and technical personnel servicing or demonstrating the proper use of research related equipment.

To secure animal facility access for your visitors please follow these steps:

  1. Download the TRLARC-004 – Visitor Safety Awareness (PDF) handout and follow the instructions.
    1. Spanish TRLARC-004 - Visitor Safety Awarenes (PDF)
  2. Fill out the FMLARC043 – Visitor Animal Facility Access Request Form (DOC) at the end, and return it back to the LARC main office within at least two business days prior to your visitor’s arrival.